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Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel

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Framingham risk score calculator. Framingham Risk Score Worksheet by Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) PDF 780 KB Alternative, slower calculator. Are available on the Framingham Web page including formula and Excel spread sheets. Return to main calculator page Excel calculator This page contains a downloadable version of the Framingham and ASSIGN scores in an Excel spreadsheet, for use by persons wishing to calculate risk for large numbers of patients.

Excel calculator This page contains a downloadable version of the Framingham and ASSIGN scores in an Excel spreadsheet, for use by persons wishing to calculate risk for large numbers of patients. The Excel file contains two worksheets, one containing the calculations and the second page with help information. Mar 07, 2018 Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel Average ratng: 6,6/10 7215 votes Framingham Risk Score is the estimation of 10-year cvd (cardiovascular disease) risk of a person. It was developed by the Framingham Heart Study to assess the hard coronary heart disease outcome.

The Framingham risk score (FRS)

  • American (National Cholesterol Education Program) and European guidelines uses the FRS to classify people for primary prevention. Those with score <10% are classified as low risk, 10-20% as moderately high risk and >20% as high risk.
  • People with established CVD (cardiovascular disease) or diabetes are already at high risk of CVD events and are targeted for maximum aggressive therapy with an LDL goal of <100 mg/dl, with an optional goal of LDL<70 mg/dl in very high risk patients.1 Those who have high triglycerides should also meet the non-HDL-C goal which is set at 30 mg/dl higher than the LDL goal.
  • The FRS is derived from the landmark Framingham Heart Study (FHS) that has provided valuable insights into CAD (coronary artery disease) risk prediction. The FRSis based on the clinical experience and coronary events of 5,209 men and women (aged 28-62 years) followed since 1948 and have guided the delivery of preventive cardiology for half a century.2
  • Launched in 1948, blood pressure readings for each subject were taken at two year intervals for a period of 14 years and the findings dispelled several myths that existed then and shared by some even today.3One such myth was ' The greatest danger to a man with blood pressure lies in its discovery because some fool may try to treat it.'4The first key finding from the study was that both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) are key markers of cardiovascular risk, especially stroke, heart failure, and heart attacks.3
  • Weighted scores are assigned to 6 easily measurable constructs─ total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, systolic blood pressure, treatment of hypertension, smoking status, age and gender.5

Table125A. Differences in Estimated 10year CAD risk among White, Asian Indian and Chinese based on Framingham Risk Score5-7

Risk Factors

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WhitemaleWhite femaleIndianmaleIndianfemaleChinese maleChinesefemale
Age -50yrsTotal cholesterol-225mg/dl


Blood Pressure – 130/80

Smoking- 1 pack/d







Overestimation and Underestimation of the Risk

  • D'Agostino et al 8 applied FRS calculations to 6 prospectively studied, ethnically diverse populations within the US. It was discovered that the FHS performed well for whites and blacks. Among Japanese American and Hispanic men and Native American women, the FRS systematically overestimated the risk. After recalibration, taking into account different prevalence of risk factors and underlying rates of developing CAD, the authors were able to construct more accurate models for those subgroups whose risk was overestimated by the conventional method. 8
  • The prediction of absolute risk was not very accurate when a model derived from one study was applied to a different study or population.9 The FRS has been shown to substantially overestimate the risk, when applied to northern Europeans (including UK, Belfast) with high risk of CAD and particularly in southern Europeans with low risk of CAD. 10-13 Over 50% of the variance in CAD death rates in 25 years was accounted for by the difference in mean serum cholesterol.14 The overestimation was as high as 2-fold among Spaniards and 4-fold among Chinese, but the accuracy could be improved by recalibration.12

Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel Spreadsheet

  • The FRS systematically overestimated the absolute CAD risk in the Chinese Multi-provincial Cohort Study (CMCS). This cohort consisted of 30,121 adults aged 35-65 years at baseline and was followed for 12 years. The 10-year CAD rate of the CMCS cohort was one-fifth that of the Framingham cohort.
  • For example, in the 10th risk decile, the predicted rate of CAD death in men was 20% CMCS vs. an actual rate of 3%. The proportion of Chinese people with 10-year risk exceeding 10% was 9.9% by FRS estimate but only 0.35 by the CMCS functions. 6 The recalibration of the FRS using the mean values of risk factors and mean CAD incidence rates of the CMCS cohort substantially improved the performance of the FRS functions in the CMCS cohort. 6 Nevertheless, application of recalibrated FRS models again significantly overestimated the CAD risk in both men (by approximately 97%) and women (by approximately 228%).
  • Stroke is much more prevalent than CAD in China; thus, any risk prediction model only for CAD may not be appropriate in application. In another study involving 9903 Chinese followed for 17 years, of the 371 CVD events, 266 were ischemic strokes and 105 were coronary events.15
  • Recently a simplified point score model has been developed and tested for estimating the 10-year integrated cardiovascular risk (Ischemic stroke and heart attack) in Chinese, in whom stroke is the predominant form of CVD. This model uses age, systolic blood pressure, smoking, total cholesterol, diabetes and BMI (body mass index).15 Since overestimation of the risk in Chinese population could result in over treatment, the Framingham risk function cannot be used without calibration.
  • In sharp contrast to the Chinese the FRS underestimate the risk of CAD among Indians by 200%.7 See Underestimation of risk among Asian Indians.
  • Recalibrating the Framingham equations to the event rate and the prevalence of the risk among Spaniards and Chinese have been shown to improve the prediction of the risk. After calibration, the FRS function became an effective method of estimating the risk .8 The FRS-based coronary risk chart overestimates absolute coronary risk in populations characterized by a lower incidence of CAD events and should be used with caution.

Limitations of the FRS

  • The FRS is recommended only for patients with > 2 risk factors and is not accurate in patients with extreme end of a particular risk factor such as heavy smoking or very high cholesterol level.
  • FRS uses TC (instead of LDL-C) and does not include risk factor modification interventions, except for hypertension. It does not include family history or south Asian ethnicity both of which are known to confer 2-fold risk of future CAD 16, 17 It also does not include other identified risk factors such as overall and abdominal obesity, physical inactivity, metabolic syndrome, high lipoprotein(a), high triglycerides, non-HDL-C, apolipoprotein B, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, left ventricular hypertrophy, estimated glomerular filtration rates etc.
  • The FRS includes only CAD events but excludes other vascular events such as stroke, which are more common than heart attack in Asian populations. The scoring was developed by studying a predominantly white and middle class population and particularly useful in the elderly but not be accurate for young and people of other ethnic origin. 18, 19
  • The young subjects in FHS were not only underrepresented but had very few events, which led to its heavy emphasis on age and is unsuitable for predicting premature CAD (defined as 55 years and younger in men and 65 years and younger in women). In a study of 220 patients with premature heart attack (mean age 50, 25% women), almost 70% were classified as low risk by FRS and only 25% met criteria to qualify for medication prior to the heart attack. For women in this population, only 18% met criteria for treatment.20
  • People with metabolic syndrome have recently been found to have a 53% higher mortality than is found in people without diabetes or metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome and its components help predict the risk independent of Framingham risk score in people with in diabetics and nondiabetics alike.
  • 10-year risk and lifetime risk: A major limitation of FRS is that it estimates the risk of developing CAD within only a 10-yr period. Among young individuals, there is marked disparity between 10-year risk and lifetime risk in the FHS. For example, a 50-year old man in the lowest risk tertile had a 10-year risk of only 4% but a life time risk of 50%. Ford et al have recently estimated that only 3% of the US population would be classified as CAD risk equivalents and therefore qualify for intensive lipid therapy.21 Thus, FRS may not identify subjects with low short-term but high lifetime risk for CAD 22
  • These data underscore the need for continued vigilance in those who have been found to be at low short-term risk. Likewise it may underestimate the risk in populations highly prone for premature CAD.


1. Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Merz CN, et al. Implications of recent clinical trials for the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines. Circulation. Jul 13 2004;110(2):227-239.

2. Wilson PW, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories. Circulation. May 12 1998;97(18):1837-1847.

3. Turnbull F., Pascal Kengne A, MacMahon S. Blood pressure and cardiovascular disease: tracing the steps from Framingham. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Jul-Aug 2010;53(1):39-44.

4. Moser M. Historical perspectives on the management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). Aug 2006;8(8 Suppl 2):15-20; quiz 39.

5. NCEP III. Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program(NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III: National Institute of Health; September2002, 2002. 02-5215.

6. Liu JL, Hong Y, D'Agostino RB, Sr., et al. Predictive value for the Chinese population of the Framingham CHD risk assessment tool compared with the Chinese Multi-Provincial Cohort Study. Jama. Jun 2 2004;291(21):2591-2599.

7. Enas EA, Singh V, Munjal YP, et al. Recommendations of the second Indo-U.S. health summit on prevention and control of cardiovascular disease among Asian Indians. Indian Heart J. May-Jun 2009;61(3):265-274.

8. D'Agostino RB Sr, Grundy S, Sullivan LM, Wilson P. Validation of the Framingham coronary heart disease prediction scores: results of a multiple ethnic groups investigation. Jama. 2001;286(2):180-187.

9. Prediction of mortality from coronary heart disease among diverse populations: is there a common predictive function? Heart. Sep 2002;88(3):222-228.

10. Brindle P, Emberson J, Lampe F, et al. Predictive accuracy of the Framingham coronary risk score in British men: prospective cohort study. Bmj. Nov 29 2003;327(7426):1267.

11. Empana JP, Ducimetiere P, Arveiler D, et al. Are the Framingham and PROCAM coronary heart disease risk functions applicable to different European populations? The PRIME Study. Eur Heart J. Nov 2003;24(21):1903-1911.

12. Marrugat J, D'Agostino R, Sullivan L, et al. An adaptation of the Framingham coronary heart disease risk function to European Mediterranean areas. J Epidemiol Community Health. Aug 2003;57(8):634-638.


13. Menotti A, Puddu PE, Lanti M. Comparison of the Framingham risk function-based coronary chart with risk function from an Italian population study. Eur Heart J. Mar 2000;21(5):365-370.

14. Menotti A, Keys A, Kromhout D, et al. Inter-cohort differences in coronary heart disease mortality in the 25-year follow-up of the seven countries study. Eur J Epidemiol. Sep 1993;9(5):527-536.

15. Wu Y, Liu X, Li X, et al. Estimation of 10-year risk of fatal and nonfatal ischemic cardiovascular diseases in Chinese adults. Circulation. Nov 21 2006;114(21):2217-2225.


13. Menotti A, Puddu PE, Lanti M. Comparison of the Framingham risk function-based coronary chart with risk function from an Italian population study. Eur Heart J. Mar 2000;21(5):365-370.

14. Menotti A, Keys A, Kromhout D, et al. Inter-cohort differences in coronary heart disease mortality in the 25-year follow-up of the seven countries study. Eur J Epidemiol. Sep 1993;9(5):527-536.

15. Wu Y, Liu X, Li X, et al. Estimation of 10-year risk of fatal and nonfatal ischemic cardiovascular diseases in Chinese adults. Circulation. Nov 21 2006;114(21):2217-2225.

16. Lloyd-Jones DM, Nam BH, D'Agostino RB, Sr., et al. Parental cardiovascular disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in middle-aged adults: a prospective study of parents and offspring. Jama. May 12 2004;291(18):2204-2211.

17. Forouhi NG, Sattar N, Tillin T, McKeigue PM, Chaturvedi N. Do known risk factors explain the higher coronary heart disease mortality in South Asian compared with European men? Prospective follow-up of the Southall and Brent studies, UK. Diabetologia. Nov 2006;49(11):2580-2588.

18. Grundy SM, Pasternak R, Greenland P, Smith S, Jr., Fuster V. Assessment of cardiovascular risk by use of multiple-risk-factor assessment equations: A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. Circulation. 1999;100(13):1481-1492.

19. Grundy SM, Balady G, Criqui M, et al. Primary prevention of coronary heart disease: guidance from Framingham: A statement for healthcare professionals from the AHA Task Force on Risk Reduction. American Heart Association. Circulation. 1998;97(18):1876-1887.

20. Akosah KO, Schaper A, Cogbill C, Schoenfeld P. Preventing myocardial infarction in the young adult in the first place: how do the National Cholesterol Education Panel III guidelines perform? J Am Coll Cardiol. May 7 2003;41(9):1475-1479.

21. Ford ES, Giles WH, Mokdad AH. The distribution of 10-Year risk for coronary heart disease among US adults: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III. J Am Coll Cardiol. May 19 2004;43(10):1791-1796.

22. Lloyd-Jones DM, Wilson PW, Larson MG, et al. Framingham risk score and prediction of lifetime risk for coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiol. Jul 1 2004;94(1):20-24.

Estimates 10-year risk of heart disease based on specific cardiovascular risk factors.

In the text below the calculator you can read more about the scoring method and result interpretation.

The Framingham risk score calculator is based on a series of known cardiovascular risk factors that can indicate the 10-year risk of a patient to develop heart disease, especially coronary heart disease.

The risk factors have been identified during the Framingham Heart Study and include patient age and gender, hypertensive status, cholesterol determination and systolic pressure.

These are the possible Framingham scores and their associated cardiac risk percentages:

Female resultsMale results
PointsRisk percentagePointsRisk percentage
0 - 8<1%0<1%
9 - 121%1 - 41%
13 - 142%5 - 62%

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Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel Spreadsheets

1. Framingham score calculator

2. Framingham risk score explained

3. Result interpretation

4. About the study

5. High risk of CHD

6. References

Steps on how to print your input & results:

1. Fill in the calculator/tool with your values and/or your answer choices and press Calculate.

2. Then you can click on the Print button to open a PDF in a separate window with the inputs and results. You can further save the PDF or print it.

Please note that once you have closed the PDF you need to click on the Calculate button before you try opening it again, otherwise the input and/or results may not appear in the pdf.

Framingham risk score explained

As a heart disease risk predictor, the Framingham score accounts for readily available patient data, cholesterol determinations and blood pressure, parameters that can offer an insight into the patient's cardiovascular function.

The criteria are segmented by gender when calculating the final score. The risk predictor can be used for patients starting at 20 years of age, just to cover all risks, despite cardiac risk being proportional with patient age.

Total cholesterol values between 200 and 239 mg/dL are considered to carry borderline high risk whilst all values above 240 mg/dL carry high risk.

HDL cholesterol or the 'good cholesterol' consists of high density lipoproteins that don't stick to the arteries therefore do not form plaque or lead to atherosclerosis like low density lipoproteins (LDL) does.

HDL is also able to decrease part of circulating LDL. HDL values above 60 mg/dL are considered to protect against cardiovascular disease.

Hypertensive patients tend to be at higher risk of coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis). In the model, hypertension treatment is considered to lower this risk.

Systolic blood pressure, with the normal range between 90 and 120 mmHg, accounts for the force of contraction that pushes blood into circulation.

Smokers are at higher risk of angina, heart attack or stroke than non-smokers due to damage of the arterial lining, which leads to atheroma (narrowing arteries).

The answers that are input in the calculator are interpreted according to the range of values they belong to, and weigh differently in the final score.

It is important to note that there are separate values for males and females. The scorings are all explained in the tables below:

AgeFemale ptsMale pts
20 - 34-7-9
35 - 39-3-4
40 - 4400
45 - 4933
50 - 5466
55 - 5988
60 - 641010
65 - 691211
70 - 741412
Total cholesterol mg/dL
ValueFemale ptsMale pts
Age interval: 20 - 39
160 - 19944
200 - 23987
240 - 279119
Age interval: 40 - 49
160 - 19933
200 - 23965
240 - 27986
Age interval: 50 - 59
160 - 19922
200 - 23943
240 - 27954
Age interval: 60 - 69
160 - 19911
200 - 23921
240 - 27932
Age interval: ≥70
160 - 19910
200 - 23910
240 - 27921
HDL cholesterol mg/dL
ValueFemale ptsMale pts
50 - 5900
40 - 4911
SBP mmHg / treated
ValueFemale ptsMale pts
120 - 12931
130 - 13942
140 -15952
SBP mmHg / untreated
ValueFemale ptsMale pts
120 - 12910
130 - 13921
140 -15931
Smoking (if yes)
AgeFemale ptsMale pts
20 - 3998
40 - 4975
50 - 5943
60 - 6921
Smoking (if no) 0 pts

Result interpretation

The Framingham risk predictor result is easy to interpret based on the following table that awards the heart disease risk in percentage, for the whole variety of possible results, for each gender:

Female resultsMale results
PointsRisk percentagePointsRisk percentage
0 - 8<1%0<1%
9 - 121%1 - 41%
13 - 142%5 - 62%

About the study

The Framingham risk score was created by Wilson et al. in 1998 following a study that examined the association of Joint National Committee (JNC-V) blood pressure and National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) cholesterol categories with CHD risk.

A cohort of 2,489 men and 2,856 women with ages between 30 and 74 took part in the study. The follow up period was of 12 years.

The 383 men and 227 women who developed CHD during the follow up period were associated with high blood pressure and high total cholesterol, amongst other factors.

The score was meant to allow physicians to predict multivariate coronary heart disease risk in patients without overt CHD.

High risk of CHD

Individual cardiac risk can be variable during the patient's life, meaning that healthy lifestyle choices can decrease it.

For example, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet or regular exercise can decrease cardiac risk.

Framingham Risk Factor Calculator

The opposite of the above healthy choices makes up some of the heart disease risk factors, along diabetes mellitus or family history of CHD.

The following table introduces four types of cardiovascular disease:

Group of diseaseExamples
Coronary heart disease (CHD)Myocardial infarction (MI)
Heart failure (HF)
Angina pectoris
Coronary death
Cerebrovascular diseaseTransient ischemic attack (TIA)
Aortic diseaseAortic atherosclerosis
Thoracic aortic aneurysm
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Peripheral arterial diseaseAlso known as peripheral vascular disease

Original source

Wilson PW, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories. Circulation.1998; 97(18):1837-47.

Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel File

Other references

Framingham Risk Score Calculator Pdf To Excel Converter

1. Vasan RS, Sullivan LM, Wilson PW, Sempos CT, Sundström J, Kannel WB, Levy D, D'Agostino RB. Relative importance of borderline and elevated levels of coronary heart disease risk factors. Ann Intern Med. 2005; 142(6):393-402.

Framingham Risk Score Canada

2. D'Agostino RB, Sr. Vasan RS, Pencina M.J, Wolf PA, Cobain M, Massaro JM, Kannel WB. General cardiovascular risk profile for use in primary care: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation. 2008; 117(6): 743–753.

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